Through the Diary of Saint Faustina (1905-1938), the message of Jesus as The Divine Mercy spread throughout the world. God loves us and wants us to know that His mercy is greater than our sins. He wants us to ask for His mercy, to trust completely in Jesus, to receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others.
St. Faustina tells us that the Lord asked to recite The Chaplet of Divine Mercy as a novena (nine days of prayer), with a specific intention for each of the nine days.
Members of the Divine Mercy Novena Circle commit to pray the intention for one of the nine days of the novena along with The Chaplet of Divine Mercy each day. For more information about the Divine Mercy Novena Circle, please contact Stasia Wilczak at 386-574-2131.
Follow this link to The Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
Follow this link to The Divine Mercy Novena: